There have been a lot of great things happening lately around here! Dean's mom, Judy has had a hip surgery that we're hoping will get her back on her feet. Glenn & Kathleen are taking Angela to the Temple with them on April 18th to be sealed. The doctor's are pretty sure that Dean doesn't have cancer in his arm. The Levy passed by an overwhelming margin in the second attempt! Way to go people! (Sorry, if you're not pro-levy, but it is the right thing for the kids right now.) The SUN came out 2 days in a row!!!!!! Welcome Spring!!
I am now teaching my Dental Assisting Class 2 nights a week for a while. The kids are really excited to be able to play outside. I hope the snow doesn't come back tomorrow like some are predicting. Dean had his arm checked by a specialist in Utah & he felt like since the pain is decreasing & the movement is increasing, it is probably something that will get better on its own. He will go back down in a couple of weeks to have another MRI to see if it is healing. We felt alot better after the visit.
This sunday after Conference we had some Diabetes Friends over for dinner & shooting the bull! It was really fun to be able to vent to people who live with Type 1! Thanks guys! Hopefully it will become a regular event.
Cameron is busy playing soccer (so far he has had 2 games.....0 practices!). Chase & Cole are participating in an interfaith Easter play about Jesus (much to their shagrin). It is at the Performing Arts Center on April 18th if anyone wants to come. Chloe has learned to sing I am a Child of God & she randomly starts singing it all the time! I'll post her doing it if I can ever get her to perform!
Anyway, we're busy, but happy & having a good time. Cole is defending his Pinewood Derby title tomorrow night. Wish him luck!
15 years ago