Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cameron's First Lost Tooth!

We first noticed Cameron's tooth being loose in August right before his birthday. Being the dental expert I am...I told him it would be out before we went to Disneyland. Well, that wasn't right. Then we decided it would definitely be out before Christmas. He kept singing "all I want for Christmas is my front teeth to fall out". Somehow that tooth stayed in & showed us wrong again. Today I was working on something upstairs & heard Cameron start to scream & I figured it was just another day after school at our house. When he came upstairs he showed me the wonderful space the tooth left behind. We were so excited! Unfortunately, he dropped the tooth in all the excitement & we haven't been able to find it. We called Dean in Twin Falls to tell him the news & he told Cam that the toothfairy would accept a marble in its place if he left it under his pillow. Let's pray the toothfairy remembers to come through this time!

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